Computer networks


- PING(windows/linux)

The PING(Packet Internet Groper) is a very useful tool to diagnose connection problems. The ping command will tell us if we are arriving correctly at our destination, or if there is a problem with the routing table of our computer(stores the information of the different nodes connected to the network) or the router that has established the VPN(Virtual Private Network) tunnel.


The MAC(media access control) address, sometimes referred to as a physical address is a unique, 12-character alphanumeric attribute that is used to identify individual electronic devices on a network. 

An example of a MAC address is: 00-B0-D0-63-C2-26.

- IPCONFIG(windows)

The IPCONFIG  allows you to get the IP address information of a Windows computer, the IP address of your router and its MAC address. It also allows some control over your network adapters, even your DNS cache.

-NET MASK(windows)

A netmask is a 32-bit binary mask used to divide an IP address into subnets and specify the network's available hosts.


The gateway is a single component of networking hardware system applied in the field of telecommunication for the interaction of devices, it enable the data flow from one discrete network to others. 

- IF CONFIG(linux)

Ifconfig (interface configuration) is a network management tool. It is used to configure and view the status of network interfaces on Linux operating systems. With ifconfig, you can assign IP addresses, enable or disable interfaces, manage the ARP cache, routes, and more.

- MTR(linux)

The MTR(my trace route) will explore the network connection between the local system and a remote host that we specify. It first sets the address of each network hop between the hosts. It then pings each to determine the quality of the link to each machine.
During this operation the MTR generates some useful statistics about each computer. 

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