Main components of a computer
CPU It stands fo r central processing unit . The CPU is one of the most important parts of any computer, it acts like a brain. It processes and executes our commands and plays a big role in a device's speed and efficiency. When the CPU receives an instruction presented in binary form, the instruction is converted into signals that each part of the processor can work on. Finally, after the instruction is decoded, it is executed. A core it´s a separate device inside the main CPU chip, meaning that it has the ability to do just one thing at a time . However, modern computers have the ability to support more than one core inside the main chip. The more cores a CPU has, the greater the computational power and the more tasks that can be running and completed simultaneously. The clock speed of a processor is the number of instructions it can process in a second, measured in gigahertz (GHz) . E.g: A CPU with a clock speed of 3.0 GHz can process 3 billion instructions each second...
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