Programing language



Set of instructions closer to the machine code that includes the assembler and the binary system. 

  • Examples: Machine Code and Assembly Language. 


The further it is from the binary code or the complex set of instructions, the higher level it has.

The high level code doesn´t run as fast as the same program written in a low-level language because it must first be interpreted or compiled into machine code.

  • Examples: Java, Python, Prolog, Perl, etc. 

Source code is the list of human-readable instructions that a programmer writes, often in a word processing program when he is developing a program. It`s a set of instructions that a computer program will follow written in high level language.

Object code/compiled code is also refered as the binary code and can be directly executed by the machine after linking. And it´s a low level language

  • Compiler: Program that Translates (compiles) the source code into an object code that the process understands and can execute. 
  • Interpreter: Program that directly executes instructions written in a programming or scripting language without previously converting them to an object code or machine code. 


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